

来源: 管理员



职称:教授 (博士生导师)




龚春红,教授,博士生导师,中国材料研究学会超材料分会理事会理事,中国电子材料行业协会电磁防护分会理事会理事,中国复合材料学会电磁复合材料分会委员,中国材料研究学会智能传感功能材料与器件分会委员会委员,河南省高等学校青年骨干教师,河南省涂料行业协会专家委员会委员。主要从事纳米材料的结构设计、宏量制备及其在能量转化与宽温域电磁防护材料领域的应用研究,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、各种省级项目及企业合作项目多项。20142015年以国家公派访问学者身份在澳大利亚南澳大学进行访问交流。近年来,在Nano-Micro Letters, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., Nano Research, J. Mater. Chem., Composites Part B, Materials Today Physics, Appl. Phys. Lett.等国内外期刊上发表SCI收录论文50余篇;指导本科生团队获得国家级,省级大学生创新项目10余项;获河南省优秀博士论文奖河南大学师德先进个人奖励,2019-2023年度连续获得河南省涂料行业协会河南省涂料行业发展推动者行业工作先进人物行业优秀科技工作者等荣誉称号。





1.     宽温域电磁辐射防护材料

2.     功能涂料   



[1]    Interface Engineering of Titanium Nitride Nanotube Composites for Excellent Microwave Absorption at Elevated Temperature Nano-Micro Letters (2024) 16:168

[2]    Structural design in reduced graphene oxide (RGO) metacomposites for enhanced microwave absorption in wide temperature spectrum, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 206 (2025) 211-220.  

[3]    Flexible regulation engineering of titanium nitride nanofibrous membranes for efficient electromagnetic microwave absorption in wide temperature spectrum, Nano Research, 2024, 17(3): 1666-1675.

[4]    In Situ Construction of Efficient Electromagnetic Function Graphene/PES Composites Based on Liquid Phase Exfoliation Strategy Materials Today Physics 43 (2024) 101408

[5]    Pomegranate-like ATO/SiO2 microspheres for efficient microwave absorption in wide temperature spectrum, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 174 (2024) 195-203                                                 

[6]    Improving the liquid phase exfoliation efficiency of graphene based on the enhanced intermolecular and interfacial interactions, Chemical Engineering Journal 480 (2024) 148263

[7]    Boosted microwave absorption performance of transition metal doped TiN fibers at elevated temperature Nano Research 16 (2023) 3570−3579          

[8]    Reduced graphene oxide@carbon sphere based metacomposites for temperature-insensitive and efficient microwave absorption Nano Research 15 (2022) 8546–8554

[9]    Reactive MnO2 template-assisted synthesis of double-shelled PPy hollow nanotubes to boost microwave absorption Journal of Materials Science & Technology 146 (2023) 145–153                                                    


[10] TiN/BN Composite with Excellent Thermal Stability for Efficiency Microwave Absorption in Wide Temperature Spectrum. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 130 (2022) 249–255

[11] Biomass derived porous carbon (BPC) and their composites as lightweight and efficient microwave absorption materials. Composites Part B, 207, (2021) 108562                                          

[12] TiN/Ni/C Ternary Composites with Expanded Heterogeneous Interfaces for Efficient Microwave Absorption. Composites Part B, 193 (2020) 108028

[13] Biomass-derived heterogeneous RGO/Ni/C composite with hollow structure for high-efficiency electromagnetic wave absorption Materials Today Physics 31 (2023) 100966  

[14] Heterogeneous and hierarchical Ni/C/SiO2 composite with tunable electromagnetic wave absorption Materials Today Physics 36 (2023) 101149

[15] TiN/Fe2Ni2N/SiO2 composites for magnetic-dielectric balance to facilitate temperature-stable broadband microwave absorption Journal of Alloys and Compounds 918 (2022) 165603

[16] Facile synthesis of BN/Ni nanocomposites for effective regulation of microwave absorption performance Journal of Alloys and Compounds 850 (2021) 156680    

[17] Arousing effective attenuation mechanism of reduced graphene oxide-based composites for lightweight and high efficiency microwave absorption. Applied Physics Letters, 113, 083905 (2018)

[18] Ultralight Reduced Graphene Oxide Aerogels Prepared by Cation-Assisted Strategy for Excellent Electromagnetic Wave Absorption. Nanotechnology, 31, (2020) 275707

[19] Heterogeneous Iron-nickel Compounds/RGO Composites with Tunable Microwave Absorption Frequency and Ultralow Filler Loading. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 8639 - 8646

[20] Microwave absorption performance of reduced graphene oxide with negative imaginary permeability. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2020, 53, 02LT01                                              



1.      国家自然科学基金面上项目(22475065 /B0511)化钛超复合材料的多尺度构筑及其高温吸波机制 2025.01-2028.12, 经费50 

2.      国家自然科学基金-河南联合基金"重点支持项目"(U1704253/E010501),过渡族金属单原子掺杂复合材料结构解析、多重电磁极化效应及宽频带微波吸收特性研究,2018.1-2021.12,经费220万,子课题主持人,子课题经费92.05万元

3.      国家自然科学基金面上项目(21671057 B0105), 二维材料的电、磁性能调控及其微波吸收机制研究 2017.1-2020.12, 经费65   

4.      国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(50902045/E0213), 新型纳米氮化钛的制备及其微波吸收性能研究. 2010.1-2012.12, 经费20

5.      企业横向课题,新型纳米建筑材料、涂料的研发. 2020.8 -2022.8, 经费60万,主持人 

6.      河南省科技厅2011年科技发展计划国际合作项目(114300510033) 红外兼容高温纳米隐身材料的研究 2011.1-2013.12

7.      开封市科技发展计划项目(1801005,轻质高效电磁波吸收材料的设计制备及其应用研究,2018.1-2020.12, 经费10   

8.      河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划(GGJS-024 石墨烯的组成与结构调控及其电磁波耗散机制研究 2014.1-2016.12 经费4.8



1. 龚春红,张璐,张帅,张磊,张经纬,一种柔性氮化钛基陶瓷纤维膜及其制备方法和在宽温域电磁防护中的应用,专利号:ZL202310824477.0 授权公告号:CN116854479B



1. 2024年度河南省重点研发专项241111231800,建筑节能玻璃用透明隔热关键材料与制品研发及示范应用,经费150



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